Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Meet MARRANO JUSTICE Playwright Joel Levin

From the Program:

MARRANO JUSTICE author Joel Levin is a successful lawyer, entrepreneur and academic from Cleveland, Ohio. He heads a small commercial law firm, Levin & Associates, which specializes in representing individuals and small businesses in contract disputes, commercial litigation, and securities matters. He also is the founder of Think-A-Move and Milicom, two allied software and hardware development companies which design and create specialized equipment for the military, medical and telephone sectors. Finally, Mr Levin has held professorships at various universities in the United States and Europe, and, since 1982, at Case Western Reserve, both in its Law School and its Department of Philosophy. He has taught courses in Philosophy of Law, European History, Jurisprudence, Ethics, Contract Theory, Russian Law, Professional Responsibility and a variety of other fields.
Mr Levin received his B.A. and M.A. from the University of Chicago, and also held the position of University Ombudsman under then President, and later Attorney General of the United States Edward Levi. He received his J.D. from Boston University, where he delivered the graduation address on structural flaws in legal logic. He attended Oxford University, obtaining his Doctorate in Law and Philosophy. His thesis, later published as a book on the structure of legal reasoning, analyzes such reasoning with that of semantics, philosophy of science and the theory of mathematics.
Mr Levin has written and lectured widely. He has authored three books: How Judges Reason, Revolution, Institutions and Law, and Tort Wars, as well as dozens of articles. He has lectured and published extensively both in law and philosophy, with occasional diversions into the fields of engineering, constitutional adjudication and human rights. He twice lived and taught in Russia, under State Department auspices, lecturing both students and judges on the principles of commercial law and legal theory. His latest work, MARRANO JUSTICE, a play about the life of Justice Benjamin Cardozo, illustrates the textured strands of reasoning Cardozo brought to the Supreme Court and to life from an older Greek and Sephardic tradition that offers new solutions to intractable problems.

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